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A curated collection of branding, design, and strategy work

Shop Hale - Branding, Strategy, Stamp and Illustration Design

Business cards and stationery with marble design  in a grid

Nora - Branding, Website, Copy, Marketing, Experience Design

stationery business cards envelope with flower pattern

Becca Wright Interiors - Branding, Illustration

Essential Oil travel cases with patterns laying on top of each other

Saje Packaging - Packaging and Pattern Design, Strategy

A cute dog running towards camera across bridge

Adventure Together - Branding, Illustration - FULL PORTFOLIO COMING SOON

Reach - Branding, Strategy, Website + Email Marketing Design

Blue business cards on a ledge

Beau - Branding, Website, Copy, Marketing, Experience Design

Pastel coloured diffusers sitting on stones

Saje Product Design - Collection and Colour Strategy, Product Design

Saje Body lotions and tubes on bathroom shelf

Saje Body Redesign - Strategy, Packaging Design

A diffuser blend collection and diffuser on red blocks

Saje Holiday - Collection Direction, Packaging Design, Theme Strategy, Pattern Creation

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