Shop Hale


Brand Identity

brand strategy

copy writing and messaging

custom brand lettering, illustrations, + patterns

custom stamp + wall designs


Shop Hale is a new online retailer selling custom-designed stamps, wall art tools, along with a curated and custom-designed collection of artisanally made home goods.  


My goal was to create a brand for Shop Hale that attracts an audience of design-loving, do-it-yourself mentality, customization fanatics who value wabi-sabi details and creating a home that reflects their unique personality. The brand needs to harmoniously house all the various parts of Shop Hale - from changing colour palettes to new stamp designs - without competing or causing visual confusion.


A simple logotype creates a solid yet neutral base for the branding - allowing accents and patterns to take centre stage and change with seasons and trends. A suite of submarks can be applied in various cases, from different social platforms to unusual logo requirements on fabric tags or ceramic mugs. Flexibility was key, with charcoal and cream tones acting as blank canvases for a wide range of colours.

Often nostalgic and hand rendered, the brand feels warm and at-home with the intentionally imperfect stamp designs, yet solid enough to be an elegant counterpart to the sophisticated styling and aspirational aesthetics that Shop Hale offers. A balance of these two worlds was sought in illustrations, messy lettering, and a toolbox of brand marks that add a touch of irreverence and play to an otherwise simple and modern identity.

brand words

undone beautiful nostalgic playful welcoming simple


Personal and real, Shop Hale makes people feel seen for their unique individuality and creativity. No perfect curation here, just authentic encouragement to create a home that truly reflects them.

We believe that everyone is creative β€” deserving of creating a home that feels safe, comfortable, and beautiful. 


genuine hype-people, Shop Hale is ever-encouraging and truly sees the diamond in the rough. They share the messy beginnings as well as the beautiful ends and are open about both. Focusing more on the mindset and inspiration of projects, instead of the sellable tool, creates a community of like-minded people who share thoughts, ideas, and visions of how a home is created.

Want to make your big dream real?
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